linkin park new divide

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Modena, Italy

I went to Rome and Modena Italy with CISV Interchange delegation. I stayed with Federico Montanary family. Gosh, I miss them.

Next year, July 2012 Federico will come and stay at my home. I am waiting for you here Fede....!!!

I became a winner of national championship!!!

Storytelling again. Finally this year I became the 3rd winner of national competition (FLS2N 2011). Click this my journey in FLS2N 2011 to read about it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

CISV - Yes! I will go to Rome and Modena, Italy!!!

Thanks God finally I will go to Italy. In 28 June I will fly to Rome with my CISV delegation. Then 2 July until 24 July we will go to Modena. yeeeee!!!

To know about my delegation please click

Me and IC Modena's delegation

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yippiiii here we come the "Kids Film Festival 2011". Come, come to see beatiful movies in this festival. Curious? Click this

And you know what......I am selected as CHILDREN JURY this film festival!! Gosh, thank you so much much much. So I will sit down see all of the moevies and evaluate it....Cool!

Here is the Board of Children Jury Kids Film Festival:
1. Chaerannisa Clarissa Maulidza, 12 years old, SD Kupu Kupu
2. Bima Anggara, 14 years old, SMP Global Prestasi
3. Fatima Andina Azzahra, 12 years old, SMP Islam Tugasku

Wish me luck!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nonton Lasker Dagelan hua ha ha ha............

Busyeet nggak ngerti orangnya ngomong apa. Gue orang Jawa tapi nggak ngerti semua omongannya. Tapi ngerti lucunya. Keren abis. Abis itu jadi ngomong demokrasi terus di sekolah.

Friday, March 25, 2011

CISV - Peace day challenge

2011 - CISV Year of Conflict and Resolution

We encourage the resolution of conflict
through peaceful means.

This year, as part of CISV’s focus on Conflict and Resolution, CISV is supporting Peace One Day with the CISV Peace Day Challenge—and we want you to take part! Your goal, and the goal of the Challenge is to raise awareness of different types of conflicts and participate in Peace Day activities on 21 September 2011.


Yes!!!!! I am a CISV-er....!!!

Do you want to know about CISV? Go hurry click

Friday, February 4, 2011

Godzilla (original 1954 Japanese trailer)

Please click this cool faaaaav...!!

Godzilla (original 1954 Japanese trailer)

Or see this utube

Monday, January 24, 2011

Festival Bercerita IX (3)

Here is the article of "Festival Bercerita IX" that was conducted on the end of last year:

Juga keluarga Mayong Suryolaksono bersama istrinya, Nurul Arifin, dan putri sulungnya, Maura. Bima Anggara bersama ibunya, Wulan Dewi dan Jasmine Wirawan dari Surabaya bersama ayah ibunya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa fungsi mendongeng juga akan mempererat hubungan keluarga.

Read more.........


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The original 1954 'Gojira'

"Rocky" (1)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nonton Misi Gak Mungkin

Friday, January 7, 2011

ROCKY trailer (origin version)


Bawain cerita "Suwidak Loro".


Bawain cerita "Masarasenani dan Matahari".