linkin park new divide

Friday, February 6, 2009

00 raiser

This is the 00 raiser, it's the 00 gundam+o raiser(gn-0000+gnr-010). The 0 raiser is a stabilizer for the double gn drive, so 00 gundam can use the trans-am. If 00 raiser use the trans-am it's faster than any ms ever exist in the gundam history because the double gn drive get faster, and faster, and faster! The pilot of 00 raiser is Setsuna F seie(00 gundam pilot) and saji crossroad(0 raiser pilot). The 00 raiser 1/100 is already sell in toy store's but my mother and father won't buy one for me!!!!:C


Griya Gallery said...

So what gitu loh....!

Your Ibu

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...finally u got that gundam! Dasar si Bima tukang ngerayu.....